GESTRA is a global leader in the design and production of valves and control systems for heat and process fluid control. We offer our customers a full range of complete systems and intelligent solutions engineered to function with maximum reliability. Our products have many practical applications and are used wherever

  • steam is generated, distributed or used
  • liquid and gaseous media flow
  • savings in energy are possible, and
  • operational reliability and environmental protection play an important role

We are your service partner for GESTRA products for steam, condensate and process liquid

Wolfgang Mehner GmbH is a longstanding, qualified trading and service partner for products "Made by Gestra". Our development started as a trading partner, to base trading and has now reached the highest status "Technology Partner". This enables us to competently sell the entire GESTRA range. We score points in the market with complete solutions paired with competent and trained expertise and advice. Customized solutions with our strong partner Gestra AG are an advantage for our customers.

Investigation of condensate technology and plant systems + repair + service for industrial electronics, condensate drains, boiler fittings are additional services from our company. The Gestra AG production program includes fittings and control technology for steam and condensate technology.

The manufacturing program includes, among other things, condensate drains, non-return valves, desalination and blowdown valves, pressure and temperature controllers, control valves, return temperature limiters, industrial electronics, for boiler equipment and boiler monitoring, level control, conductivity monitoring, oil and turbidity detectors, condensate return systems and containers.

GESTRA steam traps

UNA 1 / UNA 2

Ball-Float Traps with floating ball

Suitable for small and large condensate quantities, irrespective of the counterpressure, duplex control system with automatic ventilation, simplex control e.g. for cold condensates. Particularly suitable for controlled systems.

BK 45

Thermostatic Steam Traps with Bimetallic Regulator

Robust controller for the toughest operating conditions, insensitive against water shocks and frost, can be used as air vents.

MK 45

Thermostatic Steam Traps with Membrane Regulator

High sensitivity, irrespective of the counterpressure, suitable for large condensate quantities

* Tandem diaphragm for low condensate quantities, can be used as a ventilator, application in pharmaceutical and food industry.

GESTRA steam trap monitoring

Vaposkop (inspection glass)


Test Chamber

test chamber

Steam traps remote monitoring

condensate remote monitoring

Ultrasonic sound testing instrument

VKP 10, VKP 40 und VKP 40Ex

GESTRA steam traps for special applications and tasks

AK 45

Start-up drainage

GK 11

Large condensate quantities

DK 47

Universal connection

BK 36A/7

Thermodynamic steam traps

Drainage module


Steam distributor, condensate collector

GESTRA check and control valves

SBO 21

Backflow preventer

With screw sockets

CB 26

DISCO©-return valves CB

short face-to-face length EN 558-1


DISCO©-double return valves BB

short face-to-face length EN 558-1, 11-16 (K3)

Very low pressure loss, very stable operating behaviour, with dashpot, plastic coating, soft seals optional

RK 41 / RK 86

DISCO©-check valve RK

short face-to-face length EN 558-1, 11-49 (K4)

Intermediate flange check valves, suitable for all mounting positions, optional with soft seal available, special treatment for food usage.

V 725 / 5801 / Clorius

GESTRA-control valves

Mechanical control valves

Control valve with electric or pneumatic drive

Mechanical pressure regulator without auxiliary power

Mechanical overflow control without auxiliary power

Mechanical temperature control without auxiliary power

Equipment for steam and hot water generator

PN 40-PN 320



GESTRA control technology

NRGS 16-1

Level controlling

In condensate and feed water tanks, etc.

NRG 11-1, PN 6, G1, 4 switching points, PP on/off, flooding, dry run

NRGS 16-1, PN 40, G1, 4 switching points

NRG 11-2, PN 6, G1, 3 switching points, PP on/off, lack of water for low pressure steam boilers up to 0.5 bar

BAE 46 / BA 46

Desalting valve

Special designs for specific tasks, i.e. low-noise and low-wear level relaxation.

MPA 46 / PA 46

Blow-down valve

The GESTRA security concept, i.e. boiler and spring pressure ensures a safe close and the downstream radial level nozzle for low-wear operation.

Surveillance on contamination inleakage


In closed loops (emergency power generators, etc.)


In open circuits and condensate systems

There is a risk of inleakage by oils, grease, etc.:
OR 52-5, PN 10, G 3/8, GG
OR 52-6, PN 10, G 3/8, 1.4580

There is a risk of inleakage by acids, alkalis, etc.:
Electrode LRG 12-1, PN 10, G 11/4
Transmitter LRT 1-6b
Limit switch URS 2


GESTRA systems engineering


Heat transfer system type PWT-XPS

The GESTRA heat transfer system consisting of a plate heat exchanger XPS in fully welded version in the shell-&-plate design and is equipped with the following components: on the steam side with blocking valve, strainer and electric control valve with safety reset and on the condenser side with pumping condensate drain, check valve, blocking valve.

Measuring and control technology consists of: Safety temperature limiter, safety pressure limiter, temperature sensor, thermostat, thermometer, manometer and safety valve. The system is ready for connection mounted and wired and is delivered on a stable base frame.


Condensate tank type SDL

Cylindrical condensate collecting tanks are designed as standard version for condensate flow rates up to 30 t / h and an operating pressure of 4 bar Max. Higher pressures and pressure sets are available on request. There are containers in lying and standing versions. They are equipped with two adjacent condensate pumps, bimetallic dial thermometer, valve submersible indicator, GESTRA level controller and level electrodes for automatic operation of pumps, check valves, safety valve, anti-vacuum valve, vents, shut-off devices, high pressure centrifugal pumps, manometer and control cabinet to the pump control assembled ready for connection.

Steam converters, pure steam generator
Steam converters, pure steam generator

Steam converters, pure steam generator

Steam converters produce saturated steam for a secondary system of steam from steam or hot water. Steam generators used mainly for the production of pure steam, where no harmful substances, such as hydrazine, may be included. Applications are e.g. for sterilizing equipment in hospitals, for steam and dry chambers in the food processing, for steam heating systems, for the production of distillates etc. Pure steam systems are available with mechanical, electrical or electro-pneumatic heating steam control.

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