Construction / Equipment of Container Terminals
In many areas of facility there is the need of retrofit of pumping plants and batchers.
The container size and equipment are selected by our construction department for the necessary realisation of the project and attended by our technical personnel until the delivery to the client/assembly. The following are two examples of:
Flocking agent metering: complete in container
(Container size: height 2150 mm x width 2100 mm x depth 2170 mm) for the equipment directly in the basin in the sewage area equipped with:
for the equipment directly in the basin in the sewage area equipped with:
- 1000 liters HBV (producing, treating and using) container for the reception of iron II chloride complete with DiBt. (German Institute for Civil Engineering) certified drain tray
- with suction lance connection for extraction from 1000 Liter HBV (producing, treating and using) container
- plant prepared for the German Water Resources Act (WHG) acceptance
- complete batcher type CVD1-60.1 C204.1-7,0e PP for feed rate of 1*0-7 l/h
- leakage sensor complete with relay and DiBt. (German Institute for Civil Engineering) certification
- inner insulation of the container with fitted OSB board panelling
- container heating, container lighting/labelling
Booster station: Completely equipped in the container with:
- KSB booster station HY ECO VP
- all containers completely connected, piped and wired and central electricity supply
- with control meter set and depressurized preliminary container
- over 16 A exterior plug socket