Condensate drain test
Do you know how many condensate drains of your plant do not work properly?
Condensate drains are technical components that as other industrial valves need a system-dependent proper design / installation and are subject to wear.
From our experience of many years in condensate drain test in the different production plants we can communicate you the following facts:
- in a first test of a non tested existing vapour plant until today’s date, 15-20% of the installed condensate drains are identified as faultyerten Kondensatableiter als defekt erkannt
- the function principles not selected as condensate drains or wrong installation positions of the components will be numbered with approx. 5%
- by means of rotational adjusted test and maintenance intervals the vapour permeability rate/failure rate and consequently the vapour loss can be clearly reduced
How much does the ton of vapour per hour cost you?
From our experience of many years in condensate drain test in the different production plants we can communicate you the following facts:
Our service in your plant comprises:
- the evaluation of correct functioning principles of the installed condensate drain
- the control of the assembled installation positions
- the compilation of your current condensate drain data in the PC supported test system - at request of the customer
- the condensate drain labelling with stainless steel badges – at request of the customer
- the test independent of fabrication with the ultra sonic measure technique
- the evaluation of the measured and saved data at the PC
- description of the financial possible savings